Welcome to

the Faria Lab

Our lab uses MRI to investigate brain organization and function. We develop and apply methods for processing and analyzing diverse MRI modalities in order to characterize distinctive brain patterns and to study conditions that include neurodegenerative diseases, psychiatric disorders, and stroke. We develop tools for brain MRI segmentation and quantification, promoting the means to perform reliable and reproducible translational research. We are involved with the creation of multiple electronic brain atlases and tools, extensively used by the neuroimaging community. Our work involves BigData and high-throughput analysis, by applying artificial intelligence to retrieve latent features that characterize diverse clinical conditions.

Principal Investigator

Andreia Vasconcellos Faria, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology, School of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Faria earned her M.D. degree, residence in Radiology, and Ph.D. degree in Neurosciences from the State University of Campinas, Brazil, to which she joined the faculty as a Professor of Radiology. She completed her post-doctoral research in Radiology at the Johns Hopkins University and eventually became an Associate Professor of Radiology, in 2018. She is a neuroscientist with expertise in neuroradiology, physics, and computational analysis. Her work on technology development and neuroscience is focused on performing, and creating the means to perform, accessible and reproducible translational research.

Email: afaria1@jhmi.edu


PhD Student

Chin-Fu Liu

PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering, Johns Hopkins University

Chin-Fu Liu is a PhD student of Biomedical Engineering in the Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University. His main research interest is to develop machine learning / deep learning models for computer-aid diagnosis in MRIs of patients with neurodegenerative diseases and brain stroke. His goal is to associate medical data with artificial intelligence to improve imaging processing and analysis, and eventually make an impact in medical care.

Email: hubert.liu.1031@gmail.com


Andreia Vasconcellos Faria, MD, PhD

Associate Professor of Radiology
Johns Hopkins University, School of Medicine

217 B Traylor Building
720 Rutland Ave
Baltimore, MD, 21205

Phone: (410) 955-4215

Email: afaria1@jhmi.edu